Importance of screening moms for postpartum depression during pediatric visits

When screening reveals risk...

1 in 7 Women suffer from Perinatal Depression and Anxiety

  • Communicate the depression is treatable

  • Demystify and validate

  • Provide supportive resources (community and family)

  • Refer and follow up with mother after referral is made (decreases depression)

Brief Intervention

  1. Promote strength of mother-infant relationship

  2. Encourage and reassure any concerns about breastfeeding

  3. Promote responding to infant cues

  4. Encourage reading and talking to infant

  5. Encourage routines for predictability, security, sleep, diet, exercise, and stress relief

  6. Promote realistic expectations

  7. Encourage social connections

Recommended screening of mother at 1, 2, 4, & 6 months postpartum

Screen father at 6 months 

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) screening is validated for men and women

Purpose of referral is to clarify diagnosis and offer indicated treatment. Help to facilitate referral for mother. 

Screening for PMAD is a benefit to infant, mother-infant dyad, and family system as a whole. 

If you, a loved one, or friend is postpartum and not being screened ask your doctor about this.
If you think you may be struggling with depression reach out today by phone 970-795-2100 or email me to learn more about ways to feel better.

Alison is the owner of Hartman Therapy in Colorado. She offers online counseling helping tired, overwhelmed moms, sad teens, and frustrated parents. Alison has been working with adolescents, families, and adults for the past 7 years helping to build healthy, resilient families. She specializes in perinatal mental health and teen girl depression and anxiety.